Little Creek Alpacas

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Gold Medal

Alpaca , Huacaya , Male |Unproven |White, Light Fawn

DOB: 5/12/2024 (Under 1 yr)

Sire: TCS Peruvian Bocote

Not For Sale

TCS Peruvian Bocote

Huacaya Male Dark Rose Grey

AOA# 32460179 DOB: 7/31/201311 yrs
Bocote is a gorgeous rose gray male that looks more brown than gray. He is an excellent breeder with appaloosa and harlequin producing genetics. We are thrilled to add Bocote to our herd and look forward to seeing what he produces.
  | AOA# 32460179 | Dark Rose Grey
Dam: Where For Art Thou
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Gold Medal is a cute and curious little ball of fluff. He belongs to one of our friends who can't keep males, so he will be available in 2025 in a package deal with his friends. Gold Medal is being sold as a fiber boy, and is not able to be registered.
Purchase Terms

We require a 50% down payment with the signing of the contract. The remaining balance is to be paid within 60 days, or we can set up a monthly payment plan. Payments can be made through PayPal or I can send a monthly bill. Any alpacas purchased from us will board free for 90 days**, and are welcome to stay as long as you need them to. We offer agisting for $70/month per alpaca. No alpaca can leave our farm until they are paid in full. **Anytime we list crias for sale, we do not release them until they are at least 10-12 months old. Most of our crias turn 10-12 months old in late spring/early summer. Any crias purchased from us will not be charged agisting fees until their 1st birthday. Please feel free to email me with any questions. Transport is available, contact me for a quote.

Updated 7/15/2024